Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's true! Today is my 22nd Birthday!
I don't know about y'all but I uhhhhh LOVE MY BIRTHDAY!!
I love any reason to celebrate, but I love it 100x more when the celebration is about me! lol! :)
Unfortunately I am working a 12hour on my birthday, but good soon as I get off work I am headed here......
Myrtle Beach, SC for five days! My favorite place on earth. Legit!
These Pretty Girls. My best friends. Sassy, Shann, Captain, and B.
I am sooooo excited! So y'all I will be MIA until Wednesday next week, but I promise to bring back as many stories as I can possibly remember. Keyword: Remember.
Hey! Cut me some slack, it's my 22nd Birthday & 4th of July!! :)
Be safe and have a blast.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Half Birthday What??

My sweet lil' niece came into this world the day after Christmas, 4 1/2 years ago.
& She rocked her aunties world!
Since her Birthday is the day after Christmas, we celebrate her half birthday instead. It's so much fun!
I don't have much to say tonight as we have been pretty groggy around here.
The stomach bug attacked! Yuck!
So i will quit rambling my "i'm exhausted" nonsense, and leave you with a few pics from partayyyyy.
Country Roads Take Me Home, To The Place I Belong.
Halfpint-My sister-in-laws miniature pony.
My 2 year old nephew riding. #SaddleUpCowgirls
Horse Themed Party
Giant Cup Cake :) So Cute!
The birthday girl was obviously to busy to take a picture for her auntie! duh! :)
Sassy!**** :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

That Awkward Moment

......When you show up to Freedomfest 2013, i.e. fourth of July party for the county, and you are the only one wearing festive clothing.
I mean is it just me or is not dressing festive for an event kind of close to sinning.
Seriously people, you are going to a FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION!
Pink and green and camo and not FESTIVE!
For the love of all things sacred would it kill you to put on some red, white, and blue!?
I was a little taken back and awe struck that so few people were actually wearing said colors.
Personally I went all out......
1) because 4th of July is my favorite holiday
2) because I love any good reason to celebrate
3) because I find a celebration a drastically good reason to get dolled up and be cute
I mean maybe it's just me.
I was too busy being serenaded by the amazingly talented Shawn McDonald and took very few photos. Sorry y'all.
P.S. if you have never heard Shawn McDonald........RUNNNN now, click click click, you have to check him out! NOW! :)
I now present to you Freedomfest 2013
With Special Guests, Martin & Gowdin from A&E's Duck Dynasty.


Martin & Godwin y'all! :)
Shawn McDonald! Check him out NOW!!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Girl, lifting weights will make you bulky

BREAKING NEWS: I lift weights. Heavy weights. And I am not huge.
I love it when I tell people that I am a weight lifter and they turn their nose up at me. Then they proceed in ramblings to tell me how I am going to get "huge and lumpy and gross". Like, sighhhhh. Really!?
Here's the deal. I. Love. It.
Since February, when I woke up on Valentine's Day and realized that against my will, I am not getting younger or skinnier.
Moment of silence for that buzz kill right there WOW!
I have lost 19.5lbs and gained extensive muscle. I have never been more proud of myself for accomplishing something so many people told me I wouldn't be able to do, or that I shouldn't. I have never been a very good listener, finally I found a perk to that! I'm 100% sure this will not be my last post on this addiction of mine. Because that's what it is, an addiction. Addiction in the best way.
Addiction to Protein Shakes, Health Foods, No GMOs, Fruit, Chicken, Lifting Weights, Flexin' my muscles, Showing off. What?? :)
One day soon I will write a post and lay out specifically how I reached my UGW (Ultimate Goal Weight) in a matter of 3 and a half months. But for now I will leave you with some photos I am quite proud of.
Because no blog post is complete with photos.
I am by no means a pro, however I have done extensive research and I know some of the best of the best in the Fitness World that I have gained knowledge from. So if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Proud in the best way!
Pushups y'all. Do 'em!
Planks. Suffer thru them. It's worth it, I promise!
I earned it. I earned every piece of these flat abs. This is not good genes, this is hard work, this is dedication. I earned this body. I earned to sit down and not have rolls.
You can do it. I don't have time to work out, I work 12hr days........I MAKE time.
Change happens in the kitchen. You can't outwork a bad diet.
Love & hugs.

Friday, June 28, 2013

All Things Sacred & Beautiful

My favorite bloggers lately have been some gorgeous ladies, who love to give me tutorials on how to do my makeup and hair.
To them, I am forever indebted.
Because I desperately lack in that area of my life, until recently.
Now see this is odd, considering my mother has been a hairstylist since she was 18 and has owned the best Salon in this area since before I was born. She is the greatest in my eyes, and I am not biased at all. :)
You would think that being raised in such an environment I would be much more up to date on the latest everything, have the best hair, the nicest skin, etc.
My hair is fried, my skin is dry, I am lucky if makeup even gets thrown on my face. You see when you have the best of everything at your fingertips, so readily available, you tend to take it (or not). My hair has been 50 shades of dead. Red, black, pink, brown, blonde, purple, you name it- I've probably done it. TERRIBLE! Thank Heaven for hair conditioning/repairing treatments, or i'd be bawled. Now all of this nonsense it neither here nor there.
The point of this post is that I love to read what you guys use hair and makeup wise. I think as women our best quality is sharing. I have learned a lot from y'all and I want to share the things I can't live without.
Let's start with hair.
Like I said, being a Salon owners daughter I have my hands on the best of the best.
I swear by the Pureology 'Perfect 4 Platinum'.
Even though I no longer have platinum hair, I still use it after every shower. It's miracle serum. My hair never feels better.
Diamon Oil. That's expensive stuff! However you only use one tiny drop, so it practically lasts a lifetime, literally. Oh and it comes in a gorgeous glass bottle. That's totally not the reason I love it so much though, but it might play a small role.
Hey, it's not a crime to totally dig shiny things. I may or may not be a 5 year old. haha.
Redken Hairspray #18, its wondrous. Hands down.
But I mean even though I have my hands in the best, I still love some good 'Cheap Products'.
Shhhhhhh, don't tell my mama. I'm not supposed to condone this publicly, oops.
I have curly hair, but lawddd does VA heat every frizz my hair to death. Herbal Essence mouse it the best I have ever found to hold my hair, even more so than pricier product.
Dry Shampoo- couldn't live without it, enough said. If you don't own dry shampoo you are killing yourself, it's a life saver.
Leave in Conditioner- because it smells good, and my poor hair needs all the conditioning it can get.
Let's talk makeup.
Mirabella & Jane Iredale.
I have VERY sensitive skin. I have wound up in the ER on more than a handful of occasions with a swollen, red, puffy, ridiculous face after reactions to different products.
I have never once had an issue with either product. They are both lines of strictly mineral makeup and I love that!
On a daily basis, the makeup I cannot leave the house without.
1. Mirabella Foundation
2. Mirabella Bronzer
3. Mirabella Blush Duo
4. Mirabella Perfecting Powder (it's white and helps keep my makeup on all day)
4. Jane Iredale Make Setting Spray
But like always I have my knack for 'Less Pricier' products.
1. Kat Von D eye shadow pallet. LOVE!
2. Revlon Mascara
I own about 2000 Mascaras and Eye liners, i'm obsessed but these are my favorites.
3. Elf Cream Eyeliner-sighhhh it was a life changer. Truly.
4. Elf Makeup Remover Pen (I make a lot of mistakes and it removes it, no hassle or start overs)
5. Lip gloss. Ladies, this is always a MUST!!
I'm obsessed with brushes. This is about half of my collection, but they all serve a different purpose.
Totally necessary! :)
Ladies, you have got to take care of your skin. I cannot stress this enough, moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!!!! Then moisturize some more. I have oily skin and these have helped me so incredibly much! Sleep naked, i.e. always remove your makeup before bed, ALWAYS!!
I don't care how drunk you are. If you pass out, make sure you have wonderful friends who will remove it for you.
No, i'm not kidding. :)
1. Garnier under eye lifter.
It rolls on, under your eyes, via a metal ball. It is 50 shades of heavenly.
2. Clearly corrective dark spot remover.
I had Shingles back in February on my face, and it left my face scarred up VERY badly. This stuff helps to lighten the scars on my face. It's also very good zit zapper. I'm just saying.......
3. Clinique Moisture Surge Moisturizer.
It makes my heart happy.
For the rest of my body, I swear by these lifechangers.
1. Moroccan Argan Oil.
Trust me.
2. Jergen's Natural Glow.
Because admit it, we can't all live on the beach but a tan is a MUST.
BONUS: it firms your skin. Or so the bottle convinces me of.
Well, I hope someone gathered something out of my ramblings. Kind of like I have been lucky enough to gather from some other lovely ladies, I love to follow.
Love & hugs.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bloggers Been MIA Say Whaaaa?

Hi Lovelies!
 I have been MIA for weeks, life has been cray cray in the best way.
Don't act like you don't say "cray cray".
No? Just me? Whatevssss. :)
 Let me update y'all, how 'bout it?

It's been be-eeee-yuti-ful outside lately.
 So I have been soaking in my Southern roots and doing a lot of this. Front porch swingin', with some sweet tea. I love it in the best way.
I've been soaking up life, one puppy at a time.
Hey I mean who is not a sucker for some good puppy lovin', even if you have to give him back.
Wahhhhhhh. I hate givin' 'em back!!

 Back in my younger, much cooler days, I used to be a baton twirler.
Every year before State & National Competitions begin we did a recital and all of our family and friends came out of the wood work to see us perform. It's safe to say June has been and always will be my favorite time of year. I had back surgery in 2006 and had to give it up, but that is neither here nor there, and is a much longer story for another time.
So my cousin still Twirls and she had her senior performance so of course I was in attendance, as always to bawl my eyes out. No big deal.
BONUS: my niece came. As an auntie, I would love NOTHING more than if my babygirl became a baton twirler. Sadly, as much as she loved it, I don't think it will happen.
You see her mama is a horse back rider, barn owner, lesson teacher, trainer, etc. The child is destined to ride/show horses. Hey, it's her cup of tea. I support her no matter what, but it's also a sure bet my heart still pangs at the thought of her in pretty costumes, twirling a baton.
A girl can dream. Sigh............
Then I decided that couponing, yea it was my thangggg. So I snipped, clipped, printed, and headed off to the best place on earth........Tarjay (Target).
Moment of silence for the greatness, please.
Well I have $178 worth of merchandise here in this photo, however I only paid $52.
Go me! Not bad for a rookie, eh!? :)
And ladies, we all know that makeup and hair products......yea that jank is expensive.
Oh, the price to pay to be a woman.
Speaking of women. I'll leave you with this tid bit for the night.
.........Because it makes me laugh.
Signing out sweet people.
Love & hugs.

Friday, June 14, 2013

You know, some days you wake up and you just feel like an Upper East Sider in NY.
Those days usually follow a night where you fell asleep watching Gossip Girl.
So you spring out of bed, shower-you even wash your hair twice, put on your favorite lotion, then attempt to rummage thru your closet to find the classiest outfit that you dont possibly own.
This has consistently been my week. Apparently I watch way to much a lot of GG. I mean its not my fault that Chuck wants Blair when Blair doesn't want Chuck, and then vise versa and my nerves get all antsy and I can't fall asleep until they kiss and make up FOR THE 5,000TH TIME.
No big deal.
This is going to be a short post, because well it's Friday night and I have a life have no life, so i'm off to watch yet another episode of GG and sulk in my lack of acting my age.
xoxo Pirate Flags & Glitter
p.s. I promise I will write a worthwhile post in the upcoming days, but for now after a 12hr work day my brain is fried.